Microlaena stipoides

Botanical Name: Microlaena stipoides
Common Name: weeping grass, burra weeping grass
Family: Poaceae
Size: 0.2 – 0.3 m H
Leaves: Fine, flat, bright green with prominent midrib. Hairy on the underside. 180mm long, 1-12mm wide. Tufted then matting
Flowers: Narrow, compact panicle, weeping (appearing like hoops),5-18 cm long, branching at the lower nodes only. Green - purplish
Flowering Time: September to March.
Fruit: Small naked seeds, similar to rice grains, but smaller.
Habitat/distribution: In a range of habitats in most regions of Tas, from sea-level to 700 m., predominantly grassy open woodlands.Also, in most statesbordering coastal areas, although not specifically a coastal species.
Where to See: In grassy open woodlands and reserves e.g. Carr Villa Reserve, Trevallyn Nature Reserve, Tom Gibson Reserve.
Other notes: Interest from agronomists for its potential as a pasture grass, and from horticulturalists as a lawn grass, mainly because of its hardiness (drought tolerant and frost tolerant) and because it remains green all year round. In Europe known as Ehrharta stipoides.